terça-feira, 19 de julho de 2011

Helping who are in depression
My dear and loved. We are so sorry for you are facing this situation. A week ago we wrote a paper on depression to encourage some brothers and sisters to overcome it. We hope to be faithfully in translation it
We know how the medicine is important, however we know too that God’s help is so good!!
Depression is similar a war between our emotional’s side and spiritual’s side. It is a big war.
The emotional’s weapons are:
a)   Lies about himself. For example: “I have no value; there is no reason for my life; I have been in sin; I can’t be forgiven”
b)   Lies about God: “There is no God; God doesn’t mind with me”
c)   Lies about temporal realities: I can’t be happy for while”
The spiritual’s weapons are:
a)   “I can do everything through him who gives me strength” (Php 4.13).
b)   You must challenge the depression. The depression says: “give up!, surrender!! You must say: no!, never!! Go away depression in the name of Jesus of Nazareth!!! You must fight against her. You never be in the corner licking yours wounds. With God’s help you’ll overcome it. Halleluiah!!
c)   Remember, you must have hope. When you kill the hope, you kill the future and all the happiness of the present.
d)   Wait upon the Lord is important. “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord”. (Ps 27.14).
e)   Remember, you must have someone always in your side to encourage you. This someone is our Holy Spirit. Jesus said: I’ll be with you always.

Let’s pray together.

Dear Lord bless my friend, your son. Help him to overcome everything that must be coming over him. Keep him strongly in your presence, and cure him in the name of my dear Jesus of Nazareth. Amem!!!
Jurandir Marques

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